While the stereotype of the humourless German is overblown, there are differences in how Germans and the British use humour in their everyday lives. What do Germans find funny, and why might the British instinct for jokes cause problems?

All in Communication
While the stereotype of the humourless German is overblown, there are differences in how Germans and the British use humour in their everyday lives. What do Germans find funny, and why might the British instinct for jokes cause problems?
According to surveys, it’s hard to settle in Germany and difficult to make friends here. How is German unfriendliness measured and why might it be so difficult for migrants to make friends?
It’s a common complaint that Germany is a land of pessimism and negativity, but is that really a bad thing? How does German and British pessimism differ and might German pessimism actually be a superpower?
The simple question ‘How are you?’ can cause consternation in Germany. Germans will often see it as another example of dishonest and superficial English communication. With honesty seemingly prized by Germans in communication, is this the case in all areas of German life?
Not only is Germany considered the land of rules but it’s also seen as the land of the rules followers. Prussian values, Martin Luther and hyperinflation have all been credited with shaping this ordered society. Are all Germans really obsessed by the rules and has the pandemic changed that perception?
When it comes to dealing with neighbours, Britain and Germany have more than a few differences. How might the German approach to neighbourliness cause problems, and why is inherent British social awkwardness no defence?
It's no surprise to find Germany in the top ten for English Language proficiency, given the high levels of English spoken here. However, does the focus on British English in schools cause problems, and why do certain British accents lead to miscommunication?
Listening to some, it would be easy to assume that Germany is a land of impoliteness. Are the Germans really impolite or are we all missing something?
Formality in any culture is a minefield. In Germany they have rules that make things easier, but only if you can deprogram your own native culture. What’s different about formality in Germany and why might British humour create more trouble than laughs?
Language learning has dropped throughout the UK, but many still hold on to the belief that “Everyone speaks English”. Is this really true in Germany? If so, why do so many Germans find English native-speakers so hard to understand?
If there’s one thing that unites the UK and Germany it’s complaining. That being said, the approach to complaining is wildly different. What are the different cultures of complaining and why might having a cathartic moan lead to trouble in Germany?
Random strangers correcting each other is just a part of the everyday in Germany. Unsolicited advice on all manner of topics can be surprising, especially for more indirect cultures, like the British. What drives the German society of auto-correction?
In a country that has wrestled with its acceptance of migrants, one thing all sides of the political spectrum have agreed on is that migrants to Germany should learn to speak German. However, a recent FDP proposal may well see English become the an official bureaucratic language. Will this really make things easier for migrants and how difficult will it be to achieve?
It seems trite to say Germany loves a bit of paperwork, but when it comes to the small details, some stereotypes ring true. Why might sharing your full name on official documents cause issues and how might things be changing in the land of process?
English language proficiency can be used to assert power or simply humiliate in Germany. Whether you work in an office or happen to a be a minister of state, you will still face trial by language gatekeepers. How has English been weaponised in daily life and why are some praised and others criticised?
Not only is Germany considered the land of rules but it’s also seen as the land of the rules followers. Prussian values, Martin Luther and hyperinflation have all been credited with shaping this ordered society. Are all Germans really obsessed by the rules and has the pandemic changed that perception?
There are many reasons people end up living in Germany. Some may already have a job waiting for them but for many the first step on the ladder of employment is working as an English teacher. What can a new English trainer expect from work in Germany and is it all as good as it seems?
Listening to some, it would be easy to assume that Germany is a land of impoliteness. Are the Germans really impolite or are we all missing something?
There are many native English speakers in Germany who find the liberal use of English swear words by Germans both surprising and disturbing. Why might Germans find English swear words so appealing?
Language learning has dropped throughout the UK, but many still hold on to the belief that “Everyone speaks English”. Is this really true in Germany? If so, why do so many Germans find English native-speakers so hard to understand?