All tagged Donald Trump

Face of the Nation

Can you judge a country by its leaders? It’s tempting, after all for many Germans Boris Johnson is the epitome of Britishness, while for the British, the robotic Olaf Scholz could only come from Germany. What do our elected leaders say about us and why might we wish they didn’t?

Everybody loves Angela

Angela Merkel is often praised as a progressive leader, usually from those outside the country. The ‘Merkel is a progressive’ meme is powerful in the English speaking world, but does that mean it’s true? How progressive is the German chancellor, and if so, shouldn’t there be more progress?

Vanguard of the Culture-War

Germany is no stranger to English loan words, they’re everywhere. However, the recent surge in the use of the term ‘Culture-War’ suggests that not all borrowed language is as benign as ‘Beamer’ or ‘Handy’. What has sparked the increase in use of the term and why might it be so damaging in a German election year?