All in Culture

The Eternal Challenge

Can you ever truly be comfortable living in another country? Personally I don’t think you can. Whether buying onions or a cup of coffee, everything is just that little bit more difficult. Then again, that’s half the fun. Why is living in Germany such a challenge and might that actually be a good thing?

You had me at Hallo

There’s more than one way to say hello in Germany, from ‘Guten Tag!’, ‘Moin!’ to ‘Hallo!’. The German hello comes in many different flavours, which is useful since greeting people, especially strangers, is so common. However, there is a dark side to the German ‘Hallo!’ that’s not always clear to new arrivals. Why should people be careful when a German says ’hallo!’?

The Eternal Challenge

Can you ever truly be comfortable living in another country? Personally I don’t think you can. Whether buying onions or a cup of coffee, everything is just that little bit more difficult, but then that’s half the fun. Why is living in Germany such a challenge and might that actually be a good thing?

You had me at Hallo

There’s more than one way to say hello in Germany, from ‘Guten Tag!’, ‘Moin!’ to ‘Hallo!’. The German hello comes in many different flavours, which is useful since greeting people, especially strangers, is so common. However, there is a dark side to the German ‘Hallo!’ that’s not always clear to new arrivals. Why should people be careful when a German says ’hallo!’?

You're Invited...Or Are You?

Making friends in Germany can often take longer than in English-speaking countries. How does the German concept of public & private life complicate matters and why might a quirk of British politeness lead to ruining a burgeoning relationship?

Son of a Beach

It’s the summer holidays and many in Germany have packed up and headed directly to the nearest beach. Germans, especially in the south, are fascinated by the coast. For those who stay behind, they can still enjoy the beach with a replacement, the Stadtstrand.