All tagged AfD

When Germany Stands Up

Recent protests across Germany against the far-right and the AfD have seen hundreds of thousands take to the streets, but questions remain about their lasting influence. Can such large scale demonstrations change people’s minds and will we see an impact in the polls?

A Winter of Discontent

2024 is only two weeks old, but in Germany it already feels as febrile as the last twelve months. The Bauernproteste, along with the rail strikes have to a feeling that things are beginning to fall apart. IS this Germany’s winter of discontent, and is there any light at the end of the tunnel?

Sliding Right

There was shock this week as some polls suggested that Germany’s far-right AfD party may become the second largest in the country. This may seem surprising, but to anyone living in Britain, the patterns seem awfully familiar. What might Germany learn from Britain’s decade long slide to the right?

The King of Bavaria

Few may have noticed, but last Saturday saw two coronations, one in London, the other in Nürnberg. Bavaria’s largest and most successful political party, the CSU, reappointed Markus Söder to lead them into state elections this October. Why do Bavarian voters find the CSU so appealing, and what does this mean for the future?

A Trap For Fools

This week has been dominated by crude statements from CDU leader Friedrich Merz on integration and migrant communities. Why might this moment give British people a feeling of Deja Vu, and what does it have to do with former British PM David Cameron?

Germany's Political Posters

In some countries, the build up to an election can start years in advance. In Germany, some people only know an election is coming when the streets are suddenly covered in political posters. Are political posters really so important or is this just another example of low-tech Germany?

Vanguard of the Culture-War

Germany is no stranger to English loan words, they’re everywhere. However, the recent surge in the use of the term ‘Culture-War’ suggests that not all borrowed language is as benign as ‘Beamer’ or ‘Handy’. What has sparked the increase in use of the term and why might it be so damaging in a German election year?