Episode 122: The Battle of the Leftovers

Episode 122: The Battle of the Leftovers

On the Show this week

With the Easter behind us, Dili and Nic catch each other up on a weekend of family dinners, spicy cakes, and whirlwind trips to the UK. Nic seeks reassurance from Dili over the troubling development of Easter gifts within his German family, and asks whether too many presents will turn his daughter into an overly entitled Bavarian. In turn, Dili wonders whether her partner is trying to kill them both by refusing to refrigerate leftover food.

Having only just returned from Britain, Nic is in the minority of Germans that still see old blighty as worthwhile holiday destination. According to reports, many Germans are choosing not to travel across the channel for a variety of reasons. We ask why that might be the case, and whether there is anything Britain can do to attract Germans back.

We finish on the alarming reports that an app may be to blame for the dramatic increase in abortions within Germany, and also ask why Germany likes to project the image of progressive country, but still has some very draconian views on women’s health.

For those of you looking to support Ukraine or the many refugees currently fleeing the conflict, please take a look at these different charities and consider donating if you can.

Ukraine Crisis Media Centre - A list of different donation pages to help the Ukrainian military response.

Disaster Emergency Committee - Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal

Save the Children

Ärzte ohne Grenzen

Image Credit

Foto von cottonbro studio

Theme tune courtesy of Kloß mit Soß

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