Episode 123: Marionette Madness

Episode 123: Marionette Madness

On the show this week

Nic’s been having some adventures, all of which seem to have involved wood. We discuss terrifying marionettes, and the joy of hanging out with an old school Bavarian Handwerksmeister. The recent nuclear shutdown in Germany has been at the forefront of public discussion, we recap the debate, and discover that Nic has issues with some basic pronunciation.

German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach presented a revised version of coalition plans to legalise cannabis across the country, following criticism and negotiations with the EU. We look at how the new proposal differs from ideas presented in October 2022, the plans for “Cannabis clubs”, and whether a slow and careful rollout might be the best approach to legalisation.

We finish on the scandal swirling around Axel Springer CEO Mathias Döpfner, who’s private communications were leaked to newspaper Die Zeit. How might this impact his position, and what does it tell us about Axel Springer’s largest publication BILD-Zeitung.

For those of you looking to support Ukraine or the many refugees currently fleeing the conflict, please take a look at these different charities and consider donating if you can.

Ukraine Crisis Media Centre - A list of different donation pages to help the Ukrainian military response.

Disaster Emergency Committee - Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal

Save the Children

Ärzte ohne Grenzen

Image Credit

Foto von Ray Harrington auf Unsplash

Theme tune courtesy of Kloß mit Soß

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