40% German

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Episode 51: Banter Amt

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Episode 51: Banter Amt 40% German

On the show this week:

We’ve finished sweeping up the confetti and recycling the champagne bottles from episode 50, so we turn our attentions to the future. For Nic that means cancelling Christmas and for Simon, buying a snow shovel. We talk the perfect weather for a crime drama and our recent appearance on The Expatcast.

Simon takes us through the chaos of the recent Bayern Munich AGM and the limitations of the 50+1 rule in German football and we also discuss the discovery of a true breakfast kebab, complete with bacon and…salad?

A shiny new German government is about to take power after some serious negotiations since September, so we finish this week with a look at some of the new ministers and their plans for the next four years.

Decades from Home - A podcast about Germany

Image Credit

Photo by Angelo Abear on Unsplash