All tagged Traffic Lights

Episode 130: Afternoon Delight

With producer Simon taking the night off, Dili and Nic quickly go off script to discuss their experiences of living in shared accommodation, and the horror that entailed. We also take a look at the novel way Germany celebrates the great and the good with their very own traffic lights, Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz going rage mode, the riots in Leipzig, and the recent polling success of the AfD.

Episode 51: Banter Amt

We’ve finished sweeping up the confetti and recycling the champagne bottles from episode 50, so we turn our attentions to the future. For Nic that means cancelling Christmas and for Simon, buying a snow shovel. We talk the perfect weather for a crime drama and our recent appearance on The Expatcast. Simon takes us through the chaos of the recent Bayern Munich AGM, and we finish this week with a look at the new German government and their plans for the next four years.