All tagged Drink

No Bread, No Tea, No Hope

If Britain and Germany have one thing in common, it’s their obsessions over food and drink. For Germany it’s bread, while for Britain it’s tea, and they’re both certain that the other will never get it right. Is Germany really so bad at making a cuppa, and what makes British bread so ripe for ridicule?

No Bread, No Tea, No Hope

If Britain and Germany have one thing in common, it’s their obsessions over food and drink. For Germany it’s bread, while for Britain it’s tea, and they’re both certain that the other will never get it right. Is Germany really so bad at making a cuppa, and what makes British bread so ripe for ridicule?

The Tyranny of Choice

Making decisions can be difficult, especially if we have too many choices. Germany might have the answer to decision fatigue, at least for consumer products, in the form of the consumer guide Stiftung Warentest. Can one company be trusted to give objective product recommendations or are the Germans incredibly naive?