Decades From Home - Episode 23

We’re discussing romance and dating in Germany this week, Simon and Nic talk about how they met their wives and look at an article about the financial realities of online dating in Germany. We ask if the British are really as suave and sophisticated as they appear with a guide to dating in Britain. Finally, we welcome our first guest to the podcast as guest contributor Dilini Algama joins us to talk about her experiences of German dating and using dating apps in Germany.

Decades From Home - Episode 22

On the show this week, Simons and Nic discuss moving house as Simon settles into his new home. We discuss the reintroduction of wolves and other wild animals to Germany and ask what you should do if you discover a wolf wandering down your street. We talk Oktoberfest 2021, cancelled in Germany, but Simon introduces an alternative in Dubai of all places. The arrival of May gives Nic a chance to talk Maypoles and finally, Simon tries to make Nic uncomfortable with a story about finding sex toys in a tree and why a recent discovery in a German forest sparked a bomb scare.

Decades From Home - Episode 21

We’re talking work this week as we delve into what it’s really like to have a job in Germany. Is everyone really on time and what exactly do Germans wear in the office? Simon and Nic discuss how useful English is for work and do Germans actually enjoy speaking a different language in order to do their jobs. We go through the horror of English buzzwords with a quick round of bullshit bingo. We find out the truth of German business etiquette. Finally we tackle the terror inducing world of honest and direct German feedback.

Decades From Home - Episode 20

To celebrate reaching the dizzying height of 20 episodes, Simon & Nic take on the challenge of the 20 most frequently asked questions about Germany (plus a couple of twitter suggestions). We tackle the tough topics, such as: ‘Why is German so hard?’, ‘What’s the deal with the Autobahn?’, ‘Why do Germans love Paprika flavoured crisps?’ and ‘Was David Hasselhoff really the saviour of Germany?’. Plus, Simon tells us about his favourite German pork dishes and Nic explains why the Germans are more polite than many people think.

Decades From Home - Episode 19

This week Simon & Nic discuss German food, specifically sandwiches, Kebabs and cake. We search for Danish bacon in Germany and ask why is it that German sandwiches leave so many people disappointed? Simon reminisces about drunken kebab adventures in Cardiff and campaigns forcefully for high quality lunch-time Kebabs. Finally we talk cake and what the German tradition of Kaffee und Kuchen has in common with the very English afternoon high tea.

Decades From Home - Episode 18

This week Simon & Nic discuss German TV, is it really so bad? How are two German comedians making waves with an innovative idea for prime time TV? Is long running crime drama Tatort overrated? And how faithful are German TV remakes of English language TV?

Decades From Home - Episode 16

This week Simon & Nic discuss road rage and if Germany is less violent than the UK, how insulting people on German roads can lead to heavy fines and even jail time, one German who found the fines for insulting police officers can get very expensive very fast, the proposed new laws in UK to shutdown protests and why swearing in English is so popular in Germany and why many people get it wrong.

Decades From Home - Episode 15

This week Simon & Nic discuss German cartoons and the 50th anniversary of Die Sendung mit der Maus., the continued popularity of the GDRs favourite car, the Trabant, the wonders of driving a Volkswagen UP! on the Autobahn, Learning to drive in Germany and German car stereotypes.

Decades From Home - Episode 12

This week Simon & Nic discuss a woman giving birth outside in -15 temperatures, Hartz IV recipients getting FFP2 masks after winning a legal battle and a father spying on his daughter’s conversations with teacher getting a heavy fine.

Decades From Home - Episode 11

This week Simon & Nic discuss travelling without leaving the house, Birkenstocks and German footwear, controversial changes to the German dictionary, the British pub crisis and the Millions worth of beer being thrown away in Germany.

Decades From Home - Episode 8

This week, Nic and Simon discuss problems with passwords, baby names in Berlin, why your name is important for the covid vaccine roll out in Saxony, why Berlin’s new airport is a potential health hazard and breaking up covid house parties in house shoes.

Decades From Home - Episode 7

This week, Nic and Simon discuss hunting for elusive FFP2 masks, skyscrapers in Munich and Germany’s tall buildings, footballers breaking lockdown for a haircut, traditional German bakeries dying out, and Why a German man’s missing password is the key to a $240 million fortune.

Decades From Home - Episode 6

This week, Nic and Simon discuss changes to how German storms are named, why a new German TV show about raising children has caused a storm of complaints, the troubles of German hairdressers and why a simple sauna sparked calls to the police.

Decades From Home - Episode 4

This week, Nic and Simon discuss festive differences in Germany and Britain, why the names of German cities keep repeating, the small town of Fickenhof, the legal fight over Pippi Longstockings and why a naked carnival prince is too much for one German city.

Decades From Home - Episode 3

This week, Nic and Simon discuss why British communication is useless in Germany, Tesla’s new gigafactory in Northern Germany, Covid lockdown and its impact on mental health and how a 67 year old man drove for 40 years without a driving license.