You had me at Hallo

There’s more than one way to say hello in Germany, from ‘Guten Tag!’, ‘Moin!’ to ‘Hallo!’. The German hello comes in many different flavours, which is useful since greeting people, especially strangers, is so common. However, there is a dark side to the German ‘Hallo!’ that’s not always clear to new arrivals. Why should people be careful when a German says ’hallo!’?

More Spirit than Bremse

Rapid decision making has never been a hallmark of Germany. Now we live in the era of the “Zeitenwende” where decisions are seemingly made overnight. How deep is this change and will it have an impact on the current fuel crisis?

The Lessons of History

We’re no longer living in the same Germany we were a week ago. The invasion of Ukraine has fundamentally changed German politics and possibly society at large. What can history tell us about this change and is that knowledge even useful

Inconvenience Culture

Shopping in Germany is rarely described as convenient. Supermarkets are hard to navigate, payment methods aren’t uniform and customer service is disinterested. Is Germany a land of inconvenience culture and could that actually be a good thing?

You're Invited...Or Are You?

Making friends in Germany can often take longer than in English-speaking countries. How does the German concept of public & private life complicate matters and why might a quirk of British politeness lead to ruining a burgeoning relationship?

Never Ending January

January seems to drag at the best of times, more so for those who feel cut off from friends and family. It’s been difficult for many of us in Germany, but how can we connect to our roots so far from “home” and why might a local dialect be the way out of a spiral?

Face of the Nation

Can you judge a country by its leaders? It’s tempting, after all for many Germans Boris Johnson is the epitome of Britishness, while for the British, the robotic Olaf Scholz could only come from Germany. What do our elected leaders say about us and why might we wish they didn’t?

The Small Differences

After so long living in Germany, the differences seem totally normal. However, I can still find examples of things you only find in Germany all around the house. Why are German coffee filters different and why are windows a serious topic of conversation?

The Language Gatekeepers

English language proficiency can be used to assert power or simply humiliate in Germany. Whether you work in an office or happen to a be a minister of state, you will still face trial by language gatekeepers. How has English been weaponised in daily life and why are some praised and others criticised?

Unfit by Comparison

Olaf Scholz was sworn in on Wednesday, at the same time as he was being congratulated by both friends and foes, 1000 km away in Westminster a very different leader was facing the music. They may be polar opposites, but what can the Ampel-Koalition in Germany tell us about the dumpster fire of British government?

Land of the Rule Followers

Not only is Germany considered the land of rules but it’s also seen as the land of the rules followers. Prussian values, Martin Luther and hyperinflation have all been credited with shaping this ordered society. Are all Germans really obsessed by the rules and has the pandemic changed that perception?

A Lonely Glühwein to Joshua Kimmich

According to Bavaria’s Minister President Markus Söder, we are in a pandemic “time loop”. It’s hard to tell whether we’re in 2020 or 2021 as infections and hospitalisations soar. How did we end up here, what’s that got to do with Joshua Kimmich and why might Germany be suffering under a tyranny of idiocy?

Bake Off!

When is a German cake not a German cake? When it’s on British TV. A recent Germany themed episode of Britain’s favourite bake’em up The Great British Bake Off caused consternation for some as it seemed to not involve any recognisable German cakes. Why did the British show ignore the wide variety of German cakes and is Germany’s DAS GROSSE BACKE any better?