Schlager and the Germans

English speakers may have no idea who she is, but Helene Fischer is easily one of the most successful musicians, not just in Germany, but the world. This success has come on the back of slickly produced Schlager music, a genre that is long lived and often very hard to define. What is Schlager music and how has it managed to stay so popular?

Vote Boring

The frontrunners in the German election have been described as uncharismatic by critics from inside and outside Germany. Is there a benefit to keeping politics boring or do Germans deserve some excitement before casting their vote?

Lessons in German Politics

Watching an election in another language is only one difficulty of following the election campaign in Germany. There’s a lot to learn and more than a few unanswered questions. Is Plagiarism a serious issue, what happened to German foreign policy and why are Christian Lindner’s rolled up sleeves be cause for concern?

Fear of the Future

The idea of “German Angst” is one that has captured the imaginations of English speakers for decades. The image of a timid and fearful Germany is not only popularised internationally, but it also has currency at home too. Is Germany really afraid of the future and is that such a bad thing?

Son of a Beach

It’s the summer holidays and many in Germany have packed up and headed directly to the nearest beach. Germans, especially in the south, are fascinated by the coast. For those who stay behind, they can still enjoy the beach with a replacement, the Stadtstrand.

Coming Home? I never left.

It’s been a weird month. Watching England progress to a final, in Germany, during a pandemic would be enough, but fielding questions about England fans booing or explaining English covid restrictions has also been odd. Can these even be explained and could it get weirder?

Safe Spaces

I’ve often admired the German ability to separate private lives from work lives. Speaking English seems to change this cultural rule, opening up conversations and allowing people to speak frankly. However, is this honesty always refreshing?

It's A Funny Old Game

There’s always a feeling of inevitability about England vs Germany at a major football tournament. Fans from both sides anticipate the upcoming clash, does Germany really consider England a major football rival and why do England fans often feel the fixture is more more than just a game of football?

Ain't No Party Like a German Grillparty

Summer has arrived and what better way to celebrate than getting some friends together for a good old German Grillparty! Barbecue culture is serious business in Germany but what should a visitor here expect should they ever be lucky enough to get an invite?

Keeping It Conservative

Months ago it looked like Germany was preparing for serious political change. The Green Party was surging ahead in the polls. However, minor scandals, attacks from rivals and media scrutiny have cast doubts. Will German voters opt for more of the same?

Germany's Political Posters

In some countries, the build up to an election can start years in advance. In Germany, some people only know an election is coming when the streets are suddenly covered in political posters. Are political posters really so important or is this just another example of low-tech Germany?

And a Cherry on Top

What do you get if you cross Albrecht Dürer’s Rhinocerus, a slice of pineapple and a less than talented TV chef? You might be surprised to discover that it’s one of Germany’s more bizarre food creations, Toast Hawaii. How did such a whimsical creation become so popular in Germany and why is its creator still disputed?

The Tyranny of Choice

Making decisions can be difficult, especially if we have too many choices. Germany might have the answer to decision fatigue, at least for consumer products, in the form of the consumer guide Stiftung Warentest. Can one company be trusted to give objective product recommendations or are the Germans incredibly naive?

An Adventure in German Healthcare

A sudden health issue is alarming enough but when it happens in a different country, even one you know well, there are extra anxieties to deal with. Can you explain the problem in a different language, will you accidentally say the wrong word and end up losing something you’d have preferred to keep, and what exactly is the German for bedside manner?