There are many native English speakers in Germany who find the liberal use of English swear words by Germans both surprising and disturbing. Why might Germans find English swear words so appealing?

All tagged Trump
There are many native English speakers in Germany who find the liberal use of English swear words by Germans both surprising and disturbing. Why might Germans find English swear words so appealing?
Germans are humourless, everyone knows that. So how do we explain the carnival season in Germany and why are they so worried about what is and isn't funny?
The question of what a country stands for on the global stage preoccupies the global political debate, but can a country truly define it's own culture in only ten points? If it can, what does it mean for everyone else?
Donald Trump may at first appear to be incoherent, but is this simply a new strategy of intentional confusion?
There is trouble in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. The AfD are on the rise, with parallels on both sides of the Atlantic, but will Germany suffer the same problems?