All tagged Restaurants in Germany

Food Fight

Is food a useful way of viewing a different culture? Is Wurst an indicator of how Germany thinks? Maybe, but what happens when you mess with traditional recipes and what do reactions to simple culinary changes tell us about a country?

The Perpetual Tourist

Food in Germany often gets a bad rap, with some bemoaning a lack of options, or the narrow range of ingredients. I’ve always thought this was slightly unfair, especially since Schnitzel is almost always on the menu. Is Schnitzel always the best option, and why might English speakers run the risk of being labelled a tourist?

Food Fight

Is food a useful way of viewing a different culture? Is Wurst an indicator of how Germany thinks? Maybe, but what happens when you mess with traditional recipes and what do reactions to simple culinary changes tell us about a country?

The Perpetual Tourist

Food in Germany often gets a bad rap, with some bemoaning a lack of options, or the narrow range of ingredients. I’ve always thought this was slightly unfair, especially since Schnitzel is almost always on the menu. Is Schnitzel always the best option, and why might English speakers run the risk of being labelled a tourist?

Food Fight

Is food a useful way of viewing a different culture? Is Wurst an indicator of how Germany thinks? Maybe, but what happens when you mess with traditional recipes and what do reactions to simple culinary changes tell us about a country?

The Perpetual Tourist

Food in Germany often gets a bad rap, with some bemoaning a lack of options, or the narrow range of ingredients. I’ve always thought this was slightly unfair, especially since Schnitzel is almost always on the menu. Is Schnitzel always the best option, and why might English speakers run the risk of being labelled a tourist?