It’s a common complaint that Germany is a land of pessimism and negativity, but is that really a bad thing? How does German and British pessimism differ and might German pessimism actually be a superpower?

All tagged Complaint
It’s a common complaint that Germany is a land of pessimism and negativity, but is that really a bad thing? How does German and British pessimism differ and might German pessimism actually be a superpower?
It’s a common complaint that Germany is a land of pessimism and negativity, but is that really a bad thing? How does German and British pessimism differ and might German pessimism actually be a superpower?
If there’s one thing that unites the UK and Germany it’s complaining. That being said, the approach to complaining is wildly different. What are the different cultures of complaining and why might having a cathartic moan lead to trouble in Germany?