Despite the protests of northern Germans, Lederhosen are still considered to be the national dress of Germany. They might be a rather Bavarian peculiarity, but how common is it to see people wearing their Trachten out in the wild?

All tagged Bavaria
Despite the protests of northern Germans, Lederhosen are still considered to be the national dress of Germany. They might be a rather Bavarian peculiarity, but how common is it to see people wearing their Trachten out in the wild?
Bavaria holds the strange position of being both the source of German stereotypes, while also being considered the least German of the Bundesländer. Obviously this makes it hard to describe to non-Germans what it’s like living here. While some make comparisons with Texas, perhaps a better example can be found in the UK?
Is food a useful way of viewing a different culture? Is Wurst an indicator of how Germany thinks? Maybe, but what happens when you mess with traditional recipes and what do reactions to simple culinary changes tell us about a country?
At what point can we say a migrant has fully integrated? Is full integration even possible and who gets to judge? These questions are asked periodically in Germany, especially during an election year. Why are answers so hard to find and are we asking the wrong questions?
German beer is rightly lauded for its quality and variety, but often what is considered a “good beer” differs considerably from region to region, city to city. With so many options, how do Germans choose their favourite and why might the popularity of German beer around the world be an example of Germany’s soft power?
Is food a useful way of viewing a different culture? Is Wurst an indicator of how Germany thinks? Maybe, but what happens when you mess with traditional recipes and what do reactions to simple culinary changes tell us about a country?
Despite the protests of northern Germans, Lederhosen are still considered to be the national dress of Germany. They might be a rather Bavarian peculiarity, but how common is it to see people wearing their Trachten out in the wild?
Sunday trading is a contentious issue for many in Germany. Whereas some see it as the perfect way to boost local economies after the pandemic, others see it as direct attack on the rights of workers and a particular way of life. Should shops be allowed to open on Sundays or would it be a slippery slope to 24/7 consumerism?
The challenge of discussing national cultures is that they’re almost impossible to define with any precision. This is especially true for Germany, which may look like a unified whole, but is actually a collection of 16 different variations. Can we ever agree on what’s German, and why may divisions be a source of strength.
At what point can we say a migrant has fully integrated? Is full integration even possible and who gets to judge? These questions are asked periodically in Germany, especially during an election year. Why are answers so hard to find and are we asking the wrong questions?
Few may have noticed, but last Saturday saw two coronations, one in London, the other in Nürnberg. Bavaria’s largest and most successful political party, the CSU, reappointed Markus Söder to lead them into state elections this October. Why do Bavarian voters find the CSU so appealing, and what does this mean for the future?
Despite the protests of northern Germans, Lederhosen are still considered to be the national dress of Germany. They might be a rather Bavarian peculiarity, but how common is it to see people wearing their Trachten out in the wild?
Is food a useful way of viewing a different culture? Is Wurst an indicator of how Germany thinks? Maybe, but what happens when you mess with traditional recipes and what do reactions to simple culinary changes tell us about a country?
At what point can we say a migrant has fully integrated? Is full integration even possible and who gets to judge? These questions are asked periodically in Germany, especially during an election year. Why are answers so hard to find and are we asking the wrong questions?
Despite the protests of northern Germans, Lederhosen are still considered to be the national dress of Germany. They might be a rather Bavarian peculiarity, but how common is it to see people wearing their Trachten out in the wild?
Sunday trading is a contentious issue for many in Germany. Whereas some see it as the perfect way to boost local economies after the pandemic, others see it as direct attack on the rights of workers and a particular way of life. Should shops be allowed to open on Sundays or would it be a slippery slope to 24/7 consumerism?
Finding reliable day care in Germany is not always easy. Around the country there are thousands of children who will not get the chance to join a Kita or Kinderkrippe before they start primary school. Why does Germany still have a blindspot for professional childcare?
“Der Kater” or “the cat” is how Germans lovingly refer to a hangover. Germany has many suggestions for how to rid yourself of the feline presence from a traditional breakfast to a certain type of fish, but is the best answer simply good old pragmatism?
Bavaria holds the strange position of being both the source of German stereotypes, while also being considered the least German of the Bundesländer. Obviously this makes it hard to describe to non-Germans what it’s like living here. While some make comparisons with Texas, perhaps a better example can be found in the UK?
German beer is rightly lauded for its quality and variety, but often what is considered a “good beer” differs considerably from region to region, city to city. With so many options, how do Germans choose their favourite and why might the popularity of German beer around the world be an example of Germany’s soft power?