All tagged Souvenirs

Episode 128: The Schlong Move

Dili returns, and as is tradition, Nic demands souvenirs from her week in France. He may be disappointed, but it’s not an issue, Nic has far bigger fish to fry as his wife prepares to give birth the day after recording the show. We also discuss a survey on German toilet habits, the return of plagiarism scandals to German politics, historical quizzes in the Bundestag, and life saving tattoos.

Episode 117: The Return of Stern

Fire the confetti cannons, producer Simon’s back! We celebrate by demanding he gives us some gifts….well Nic does at least. After last week’s foray into the forests, we return to the wilds for a wolf related update, there's a follow up on the Berlin election, a discussion on the merits of the current climate protest movement, and we finish on the proposals to make English Germany’s 2nd language.