All tagged Peppa Pig

Episode 106: Spezi Socks

It’s only bloody Christmas! We bring you a bumper festive episode, as we discuss secret recipes, fun socks, and the art of decorating a Christmas tree. Dili shares her Christmas plans, and her opinions on Peppa Pig toys, while Nic remembers his first Christmas in Germany.

Decades From Home - Episode 34

We’re finally taking our first steps back into the land of the normal as Simon joins a large group of foodies for a tour of Nürnberg, while Nic ventures out to visit the Augsburg Plärrer. We discuss the anniversary of the lowering of the German voting age in 1970 and take some time to celebrate the life of everyone’s favourite Chancellor, Willy Brandt. We discuss the curious case of the “Peppa Effect” a supposed shifting of accents seen in US children due to overexposure to the cartoon Peppa Pig. We question whether it’s true that “Everyone speaks English” in Germany and finally we look at how native English speakers differ between the UK and the US.