All tagged Colonial

Episode 108: Firecracker Foolery

New year, new episode and we kick off with a lesson on gracefully offering New Years greetings, Nic discovers New Year’s Day has a morning, and Dili argues that sleep is the best way to celebrate Silvester. We question the current fireworks debate, Dili brings us positive news as two Berlin museums offer to return items taken during the colonial period, and we finish with 2023 predictions.

Episode 104: Kältewelle

It seems like everyone is coming down with something this week, as cold and flu season kicks into gear, we discuss homemade remedies, fear of the Apotheke, and why taking a day off from work isn’t as big a problem in Germany as it is in other countries. We also chat about the scandal at Buckingham Palace, German pessimism, and renaming Berlin streets.