All tagged Cocktails

Ep 55: Nicht mehr rutschen

With festivities coming to an end, we talk about leisure drinking during Christmas, New Year’s cocktails and accidental impoliteness. Simon discusses the importance of winning video games against relatives and Nic reflects on his cheese and stollen fuelled nightmares. We chat about plans for New Year’s Eve, fireworks bans, and New Year’s Resolutions. Finally, we finish the first pod of 2022 with a previously unheard conversation taken from our chat with Dr. Sandra Jansen, way back in episode 44.

Decades From Home - Episode 44

We welcome Dr. Sandra Jansen to the show, just in time to talk about controversial cocktail opinions and the recent takeover of Nic’s favourite football club, Newcastle United. However, we didn’t ask the good doctor on to only talk booze and football. Sandra is a sociolinguist and she has more than a few interesting observations about how Nic and Simon speak. Simon introduces us to a language ban in a London school and we talk about why German dialects are often more appreciated. Finally we look at some Geordie and Southern English phrases that would catch out many Germans travelling in the UK.