All tagged Berlin Berlin

Episode 112: Augsburg, Augsburg

After bickering over the kick-off question, Dili wins the battle of wills and wants to know about favourite vegetables. We introduce a new segment with Dili’s Sports Roundup, and Nic recaps his first sojourn into the TV festival that is “Berlin, Berlin”. We look at a recent analysis on children’s educational deficits after the lockdown, and we finish off with news of German pension reform.

Episode 111: Trials, Tribulations and Blackmail

Nic is worried that the producer is trying to blackmail him, we discuss problem neighbours, how moving to Germany presents unique challenges, and if it’s better to live next door to family or have them as far aways as possible. Also, Dili challenges Nic to watch an awarding winning German TV show that seemingly revolves around an incestious relationship.