All tagged Babys

Episode 129: Babycast

After leaving listeners with a slight cliffhanger last week, we return with some exciting news: Nic has a son! With so much going on in Nic’s life, we dispense with the current events and talk about what it’s like going through the birth of a child in Germany. Why do doctors wear Crocs, what’s the etiquette for cutting the umbilical cord, and who is allowed to crack jokes in the operating theatre?

Episode 128: The Schlong Move

Dili returns, and as is tradition, Nic demands souvenirs from her week in France. He may be disappointed, but it’s not an issue, Nic has far bigger fish to fry as his wife prepares to give birth the day after recording the show. We also discuss a survey on German toilet habits, the return of plagiarism scandals to German politics, historical quizzes in the Bundestag, and life saving tattoos.