Episode 147: Blame Game

Episode 147: Blame Game

Always willing to make sacrifices for the podcast, Nic takes the gallant decision to miss his beloved Newcastle United’s first home Champions League game for 20 years in order to sit down with Dili for this week’s record. Of course, he blames Dili for everything, but thankfully he doesn’t go on about it…

For her part, Dili has come prepared with questions about Halloween, which like Christmas, seems to be begin earlier and earlier every year. We discuss possible plans, acceptable costumes, and why left handers are clearly evil.

It’s not often we get to talk about the wonders of Sri Lankan food, but another trip to Nürnberg gives your hosts a chance to celebrate some of the finest food in the world, and promote the best restaurant in Bavaria.

We also find time to discuss Tag der Deutschen Einheit or German Unity Day and why the celebrations in Hamburg were perhaps less unified than you might expect. Finally, we finish on the opening of the lottery for Euro 2024 tickets. With the tournament being hosted in Germany, can Nic convince Dili to join him if he wins his full allocation of tickets?

For those of you looking to support Ukraine or the many refugees currently fleeing the conflict, please take a look at these different charities and consider donating if you can.

Ukraine Crisis Media Centre - A list of different donation pages to help the Ukrainian military response.

Disaster Emergency Committee - Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal

Save the Children

Ärzte ohne Grenzen

Theme tune courtesy of Kloß mit Soß

Episode 148: Viva Las Munich

Episode 148: Viva Las Munich

Episode 146: Bis Balding

Episode 146: Bis Balding