Episode 74: Wein Rider

Episode 74: Wein Rider

On the show this week:

It’s been a weird week for British people as they watched the Queen’s Speech in the House of Lords, which for the first time in 59 years, didn’t actually include the Queen. Are we ready for a Elizabeth-less existence and will Prince Charles ever explain where he got all those shiny medals?

From British royalty to the nearest German equivalent, David Hasselhoff was in the news as he promoted a niederbayerisches Weinfest…for a price. We bemoan our missed opportunity to get our own personal message from the Knight Rider and wonder which other celebrities we could engage on our behalf.

Simon brings us a story from Braunschweig concerning the dangers of riding late night trams and we finish with our now beloved segment “Boris Becker Update”.

Decades from Home - A podcast about Germany

For those of you looking to support Ukraine or the many refugees currently fleeing the conflict, please take a look at these different charities and consider donating if you can:

Ukraine Crisis Media Centre - A list of different donation pages to help the Ukrainian military response.

Disaster Emergency Committee - Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal

Save the Children

Ärzte ohne Grenzen

Image Credit

Photo by Luca J on Unsplash

Theme tune courtesy of Kloß mit Soß

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