40% German

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Ep 56: Meaty Wisemen

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Ep 56: Meaty Wisemen 40% German

On the show this week:

Well done, we’ve made it through the first week of 2022! We celebrate with some chat about three kings, public holidays and friends who bring the gift of beer. Nic wonders whether he’s old or if it’s only the pandemic that’s preventing him from clubbing, while Simon just wants to go to the pub with his mates.

Thanks to a listener, Simon questions whether every kebab is really great after his forced introduction to Hawaiian style kebab, while Nic talks about his German family’s reaction to a humble PBJ sandwich. We check in on the new German government and talk about the obvious fault lines in the new coalition that the German media seem so gleeful to exploit. Is the criticism really fair or is it just a case of a slow news week?

To finish, we talk about government plans to improve the quality of food production, how that may impact the price of the average shop and how this connects to a new law that protects millions of chickens from being destroyed.

Decades from Home - A podcast about Germany

Image Credit

Photo by Fiona Smallwood on Unsplash