Decades From Home - Episode 37

Decades From Home - Episode 37

On the show this week:
By god it’s Johann Goethe’s birthday! Simon wants to celebrate the birth of one (if not the) greatest Germans of all time, but Nic can’t help insulting the birthday boy.

The lad’s enjoy the annual list of Jugendwort des Jahres 2021 (Youth Word of the Year) and ponder whether their young or cool enough to use any of them. They also wonder what they even mean.

In an attempt to predict what words might feature on the list next year, Simon and Nic suggest some possible entries from a list of long forgotten English insults, will Breedbate make it or is it all just the work of two Flalpdoodlers?

Finally, Nic ask if swearing in German is really such a problem or is it just the English speaking community being oversensitive and over protective of their language in Germany.

Decades from Home - A podcast about Germany

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