When Germany Stands Up

Recent protests across Germany against the far-right and the AfD have seen hundreds of thousands take to the streets, but questions remain about their lasting influence. Can such large scale demonstrations change people’s minds and will we see an impact in the polls?

Form a Disorderly Queue

Germany is seen as a land of punctuality and organisation. Although broadly accurate, there are areas where chaos is allowed to reign. Queuing is one such area. Why are German queues a contact sport and what does that tell us about the importance of timekeeping over organisation?

A Winter of Discontent

2024 is only two weeks old, but in Germany it already feels as febrile as the last twelve months. The Bauernproteste, along with the rail strikes have to a feeling that things are beginning to fall apart. IS this Germany’s winter of discontent, and is there any light at the end of the tunnel?

The Curious World of Tchibo

Tchibo is famous throughout Germany for coffee,and a weekly revolving selection of useless product. How does Tchibo manage to succeed when no one is entirely sure what they might be selling or why they're selling it?

Solving the Impossible

Most days it feels like Germany is beset on all sides by numerous problems, many of which are self-inflicted. Given that many of these issues arise from contradictory rules or limitations, it’s odd that German has yet to adopt the term “Catch-22”. Would adding another slice of English to the German language improve the situation, and if not, what will?

No Sunday Service

Sunday trading is a contentious issue for many in Germany. Whereas some see it as the perfect way to boost local economies after the pandemic, others see it as direct attack on the rights of workers and a particular way of life. Should shops be allowed to open on Sundays or would it be a slippery slope to 24/7 consumerism?

A Guide to Nowhere

When discussions on immigration and integration come up in Germany, the term Lietkultur is never too far behind. The idea that those coming to Germany need a set of “house rules” in order to live here has existed since the mid 90s, but can a national culture as diverse as Germany’s really be so easily codified?

A Saga of Schlager

English speakers may have no idea who she is, but Helene Fischer is easily one of the most successful musicians, not just in Germany, but the world. This success has come on the back of slickly produced Schlager music, a genre that is long lived and often very hard to define. What is Schlager music and how has it managed to stay so popular?

No Bread, No Tea, No Hope

If Britain and Germany have one thing in common, it’s their obsessions over food and drink. For Germany it’s bread, while for Britain it’s tea, and they’re both certain that the other will never get it right. Is Germany really so bad at making a cuppa, and what makes British bread so ripe for ridicule?

Centre of the Universe

When I speak to British people about Germany, conversations always break along a familiar faultline: Berlin. Many consider the German capital to be representative of the the rest of the country, but is that really the case?

Getting the Hoff

Many of my preconceptions about Germany have been thoroughly shattered over the years, but only one truly hurt; David Hasselhoff might not be the German icon I was led to believe. Despite being told this in my first years living here, I come to wonder If my early assumption was actually correct. Is Hasselhoff a cult hero or simply a curious historical footnote?